<aside> ⚠️ This panel is in the extended section of Axxess. To view it, click the “Expand” tab in the top right-hand corner of the instrument.
Use this section to apply an independent X-LFO and/or X-ADSR to almost any of Axxess’s main instrument slider parameters. First, click on the slider or knob for the parameter that you wish to modulate; you’ll see blue selection corners surrounding the slider or knob to indicate it is the target for the X-LFO and X-ADSR.
Then apply an X-LFO amount via the X-LFO Amp slider and/or an X-ADSR amount via the Amp knob. You’ll see a blue glow surround the slider or knob, as you turn up the amp values, it’ll glow more.
There is almost no limit to the amount of separate X-LFOs and X-ADSRs you can apply and by using the Copy and Paste buttons it’s easy to apply the same settings to different parameters. However, you cannot apply an X-LFO or X-ADSR to switches.
Use the COPY button to copy ALL current modulation settings (both X-LFO and X-ADSR) into the internal clipboard.
Use PASTE to apply copied settings to another slider parameter. This is very useful to quickly duplicate modulation settings across a large amount of slider parameters.
Use the CLEAR button to set all X-LFO and X-ADSR controls to their default value. Essentially off.
Holding the command (Mac) or control (PC) button and clicking Clear will clear all X-Modifier assignments across all Axxess parameters.
This section provides control over the X-LFO parameters and waveforms. Whenever an Axxess slider parameter is being affected by an additional X-LFO it will glow blue. A brighter blue illumination indicates that the parameter has a greater amount of X-LFO and/or X-ADSR applied.
There are 6 X-LFO waveforms. These are selected by clicking on the appropriate waveform button. The waveforms are as follows.