Use this section to apply an independent X-LFO and/or X-ADSR to almost any of Minimonsta2’s main instrument parameters. First, click on the knob for the parameter that you wish to modulate, you’ll see blue selection corners surround the slider or knob to indicate it is the target for the X-LFO and X-ADSR.
<aside> ⚠️ Think of X-Mods as a unique and separate LFO and Envelope for each parameter on the main synth. It is not one extra mod source that you send, but an LFO and envelope per parameter.
Then apply an X-LFO amount via the X-LFO Amp slider and/or an X-ADSR amount via the Amp knob. You’ll see a blue glow surround the knob, as you turn up the amp values, it’ll glow more.
There is almost no limit to the amount of separate X-LFOs and X-ADSRs you can apply and by using the Copy and Paste buttons it’s easy to apply the same settings to different parameters. However, you cannot apply an X-LFO or X-ADSR to switches. This includes the switchable Oscillator Range and Waveform Knobs.
When illuminated all X-LFO and X-ADSR controls are synchronized to host tempo and all time-based X-Mod parameters are given in beats.
When off, all X-LFO and X-ADSR controls are not synchronized to host tempo and all time-based parameters are given in milliseconds.
Use the COPY button to copy ALL current modulation settings (both X-LFO and X-ADSR) into the internal clipboard.
Use PASTE to apply copied settings to another slider parameter. This is very useful to quickly duplicate modulation settings across a large amount of slider parameters.
Use the CLEAR button to set all X-LFO and X-ADSR controls to their default value. Essentially off.
This section provides control over the X-LFO parameters and waveforms. Whenever a Minimonsta2 knob parameter is being affected by an additional X-LFO it will glow blue. A brighter blue illumination indicates that the parameter has a greater amount of X-LFO and/or X-ADSR applied.
There are 10 X-LFO waveforms. These are selected by clicking on the appropriate waveform button. The waveforms are as follows.
| Sine | The default waveform. | | --- | --- | | Triangle | A waveform with a linear transition between maximum and minimum (and vice versa). | | Ramp Up | The waveform goes linearly from the minimum point to the maximum point. | | Ramp Down | Like Ramp up, but in the other direction. | | Cosine Up | A bit like Ramp up, but the LFO rises more gently at the extreme points (a kind of shelf). | | Cosine Down | Like Cosine up, but in the other direction. | | Square | The LFO stays a half-period at the maximum point, then the other half-period at the minimum point. | | Random | This waveform is a chaotic oscillator. It is based on a sine wave, sometimes slowing down, sometimes accelerating, or even going back and forth. These random variations always keep the same average phase. | | Brown Noise | The LFO value changes randomly, combining wide and slow moves with small and fast oscillations. With a very long period, this kind of LFO is perfect to give a parameter a natural and nervous random variation. | | Red Noise | A bit like Brown Noise, but fast variations are more damped, giving even smoother random movements. |