Welcome to OB-E v2, which you’ll notice carries the iconic original Oberheim logo and is officially endorsed by the creator of the original 8-Voice instrument, Tom Oberheim.
The story of how this came about is simple. Immediately after we released OB-E, Tom Oberheim and Marcus Ryle were impressed enough with the sound and attention to detail, that they contacted us to offer their congratulations and asked how we’d feel about working together in order to accommodate some of their wish-list items. Tom’s status as a bonafide pioneer is well documented, but given that Marcus started at Oberheim aged 19 and went on to design such iconic instruments as the Xpander and Matrix-12 (and much more) before having what can only be described as an illustrious career with his subsequent companies, Fast Forward Designs and Line 6, it’s safe to say we were all ears.
Over the next few months, Tom, Marcus and the team defined areas of OB-E which could be improved on, and work commenced to implement their suggestions and further refine our true labour of love. The result is the instrument you now see before you..