ImpOSCar3 Trig, Polyphony and Unison.webp

Keyboard Triggering

Keyboard Triggering Selection Windows

impOSCar3 has several triggering modes:

Env Rate Knob

Controls the tempo of the retriggering of the envelopes as described previously. The tempo of impOSCar3 can be clocked internally or synchronised to an external source. Set this in the footer bar.

Gate Time Knob

When using any of the aforementioned RPT triggering options also to alter the Gate Time of either or both envelopes, the default Gate Time setting is 50% and moving the knob to the right increases the Gate Time, whereas moving the knob to the left shortens the Gate Time. For optimum Gate Time control make sure the Release Times of each envelope are short enough.

Polyphony Selection Windows

The function Knob selects from various monophonic or polyphonic modes: