You can load a SEM Preset (.sem file) from OB-E into Oberheim SEM.
To do this, save a SEM Preset from OB-E via the save button on the flip side of a SEM, and then move that file from OB-E’s “SEMPresets User folder” to the SEM User presets folder.
<aside> ⬆️ From OB-E SEMPresets User folder:
Mac: /Library/Application Support/GForce/OB-E/SEMPresets/User PC: C:\Program Files\GForce\OB-E\Presets\SEMPresets\User
<aside> ⬇️ To Oberheim SEM User Presets folder:
Mac: ~/Library/Audio/Presets/GForce/SEM PC: C:\Program Files\GForce\SEM\Patches\User
Once placed in this location you can then load it into the SEM via the SEMs Patch Browser’s “User” tab.
<aside> ⚠️ Loading a .sem preset from OB-E into SEM will only load the parameters for the front and rear panel of the SEM. The global parameters (those on the side panels), including Delay, Reverb, Arpeggiator, Portamento, Vibrato, SEM Level and Master Level will default to the settings of the init patch.
<aside> ⚠️ Requires Oberheim OB-E v2.5 or newer.
To load SEM Patches into OB-E, firstly save a SEM Patch, and then move that saved patch file (.xml) from the SEM Patches User folder to the OB-E User Patches folder.
<aside> ⬆️ From SEM User Patches folder:
Mac: ~/Library/Audio/Presets/GForce/SEM PC: C:\Program Files\GForce\SEM\Patches\User
<aside> ⬇️ To OB-E’s SEMPreset User presets folder:
Mac: /Library/Application Support/GForce/OB-E/SEMPresets/User PC: C:\Program Files\GForce\OB-E\Presets\SEMPresets\User
Once placed in this location, you can load it into OB-E via OB-E’s SEM LOAD button on the flip side of the SEM you wish to load it in to.