This control determines the initial frequency of Oscillator 1 in one semitone increments over a four-octave range. CMD+Click can access fine values on Mac or Shift+Click on PC.
This control allows the selection of the initial pulse width of oscillator 1. A square wave (50% duty cycle) is selected when it is set fully counter-clockwise. A 100% duty cycle is selected when it is set fully clockwise.
This switch allows the selection of a sawtooth, pulse, both, or triangle waveform from Oscillator 1. Each oscillator generates sawtooth, pulse, and triangle waves. Pressing the saw or pulse switch will select the waveshape. With both switches off (LEDs unlit), the resulting waveshape is a triangle. Activating both waveshape switches (both LEDs lit) combines the saw and pulse waveshapes.
When switched on, it causes Oscillator 2 to modulate Oscillator 1. This allows for production of “ring-modulator” type sounds.
When switched on, it enables hard sync between the two oscillators. Oscillator 2 will reset its wave-cycle to the beginning every time Oscillator 1 finishes a complete wave-cycle. The result is interesting harmonic content if the frequencies of the two Oscillators differ.
This control determines the initial frequency of Oscillator 2 in one semitone increments over a four-octave range. CMD+Click can access fine values on Mac or Ctrl+Click on PC.
This control allows the selection of the initial pulse width of oscillator 2. A square wave (50% duty cycle) is selected when it is set fully counter-clockwise. A 100% duty cycle is selected when it is set fully clockwise.
This switch allows the selection of a sawtooth, pulse or triangle waveform from Oscillator 2. Each oscillator generates sawtooth, pulse, and triangle waves. Pressing the saw or pulse switch will select the waveshape. With both switches off (LEDs unlit), the resulting waveshape is a triangle. Activating both waveshape switches (both LEDs lit) combines the saw and pulse waveshapes.