The oscillators on the OSCar were digital they were referred to as OSC1 and 2 (as opposed to VCO 1 and 2).
OSC1 contains the following waveforms:
Full Organ
Strong Lead
Double Pulse
Wavetable (WT)
When OSC1 is switched to the Wavetable (WT) waveform, this button enable the access to the wavetable editor windows. OSC and LFO Wavetable Editor
This knob only applies to the Pulse, PWM, and Wavetable (WT) waveforms. It doesn’t effect any of the other waveforms.
When OSC1 is set to the Pulse waveform this knob controls the duty cycle of the pulse wave.
When switched to the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) waveform, this knob applies an independent, fixed rate LFO to those waveforms in order to modulate them. Turned to the left, the PW Knob will have a minimal effect and will create a more hollow sound. As this knob is turned to the right it will create a thicker sound in relation to the increase in modulation.
When OSC1 is switched to the Wavetable (WT) waveform, this knob select the position of the wavetable.
<aside> ⚠️ Note that Pulse Width and Wavetable Position knobs do not share the same value and cannot be assigned to the same macro control. Each independent value will be recalled if you switch to and from Pulse and PWM, and Wavetable waveforms.
The Wavetable Modulation (WT Mod) knob applies an amount of LFO1 or LFO2 to the wavetable in order to modulate it. Turned to the left, the WT Mod Knob will apply a negative amount of LFO. As this knob is turned to the right a positive amount of LFO will be applied to the wavetable.
The LFO 1 /LFO 2 buttons enable you to select the source of the WT Modulation.
<aside> ⚠️ This knob only applies to the Wavetable (WT) waveforms. It doesn’t effect any of the other waveforms.