
In this section, we detail the functions of the icons and windows in the header from left to right.

Browser Icon


To open Oberheim OB-1’s Patch Browser, click the browse library icon to the left of the main parameter display.

To close the Patch Browser, click on the Close button in the Patch Browser or click on the icon again. Alternatively, double-click a patch to load it and close the browser immediately.

See Patch Browser for more information

Favourite Icon


Click the Heart icon to add the current patch to your favourite patches.

Parameter Display Window

The Parameter Display Window displays the current patch's name. Clicking the window will open the patch browser in that mode.

Up / Down Arrows

Clicking the up arrow will load the previous patch, while clicking the down arrow will load the next patch. The patches, and order of them, are determined by the Patch Browser’s current filter or search results.

Save Icon


Clicking the Save icon will open the patch browser’s patch save screen. See Patch Saving to save a patch. You can also quick save a patch by holding cmd (Mac) or Ctrl (PC) and clicking this icon.


Retracted View Icon

In the top-right corner of OB-1 is an icon with two arrows pointing toward each other. Click on this to hide the X-Modifiers Section and Effects (FX) Section to concentrate on a more traditional experience.

<aside> ⚠️ Note that the hidden controls are still active.


Sequencer/Keyboard Icon