
Screenshot 2022-12-13 at 08.01.34.png

Stereo Delay

Delay Sync Switch

Switches between unsynchronised and synchronised mode. Synchronised mode is used to sync the delay times to that the host tempo of your DAW.

Delay Time Left & Right Knobs

Sets the delay time of the left and right channels individually. In Sync mode the delay times are from 1/32nd of a beat to 4 beats. In unsynchronised mode the delay times are 10 Milliseconds to 1000 Milliseconds (10 Seconds).

Delay LFO Depth Knob

This modulates the delay time, creating a chorus effect with long feedback, or a phaser effect with short delay times.

Delay LFO Rate Knob

The rate of the Delay Rate LFO should be self-explanatory, but it also works with the LFO Depth. Essentially, the “growth-rate” of the delay line is what determines depth, the less time to “grow” the less depth the modulation has.

Delay Feedback Knob

Sets the amount of times the delay lines repeat.

Delay Mix Knob

Delay Mix sets the balance between the dry signal (containing no delay) and the wet signal (containing only the delay signal).

Delay Crossover Switch

Switched to the ON position this feeds the left delay signal into the right signal and vice versa, to create a ping pong delay signal.

Delay Destination Switch

You can use this to apply the Delay signal either SEMs 1-4 or SEMs 5-8 or all SEMs.

Delay High-Pass Knob