It is possible to place the VSM Library and Expansion Pack files in any location on your system or an external hard drive.

  1. Run VSM IV and open the Patch Browser.

  2. Click the Folder icon to view the Collection Management Screen.


  3. Right-click on the Library Directory and select “Show Folder”. This will open a folder called VSM Library in a new OS window.

    VSM Library.png

  4. Move the entire “String Machine Library” folder to your new desired location.

  5. Back in VSM IV, highlight the Library Directory and click the remove directory button ⊖ at the top of the list. This will remove the old location.

  6. Click the add directory button ⊕. Use the following window to navigate to your new library folder and select the String Machine Library folder.

  7. Close the collection management screen via the circled X button in the top left corner and it’ll rescan the library automatically.

<aside> ⚠️ Advanced It is now possible to have the library spread across multiple locations. We’d advise against it, just for clarity’s sake, but in some circumstances it may be necessary. If you want to have your library (cpt2 files) spread over multiple locations, you’ll need to add each location individually as an Extra Directory via the add directory button ⊕.

Remember when adding directories you must select the folder that contains the cpt2 file, not the cpt2 file itself.
