The red LED in the Arpeggiator section's upper left corner determines the Arpeggiator's state. If the LED is off, the Arp State is off. Conversely, if the LED is on, the Arp State is on.
When the arpeggiator lock icon is on, the arpeggiator parameters are preserved and remain unchanged when loading a different patch.
Note switch allows limiting (or not) the timings available through the Rate knob. There are four options:
All - All straight, triplet and dotted timing are available through the Rate knob
Straight - When selected, the Rate knob’s values are restricted to straight timings
Triplet - When selected, the Rate knob’s values are restricted to Triplets timings
Dotted - When selected, the Rate knob’s values are restricted to Dotted timings
The Rate knob sets the arpeggiator speed from 1 bar to 1/32 note depending on the Note Switch value.
Allows the user to select from six Arpeggiator modes as follows:
Selects the pitch range of the sequence in octave units, ranging from minus three octaves to plus three octaves for every sequence cycle.
Selects a swing value for the arpeggio. It ranges from 0% to 100% Swing.